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RST processes low-sulfur, high-chrome, and low-grade PGM concentrates without the normal penalties associated with these constraints.  With the evolution of the major players in the PGM industry balancing their blending of UG-2 and Platreef (due to diminishing Merensky Reef)  concentrates, the ability to process UG-2 and MG reef concentrates directly -despite lower grades - has unlocked an opportunity for emerging producers to participate in the PGM value chain without having to compromise PGM recovery to meet the stringent requirements of the Purchase of Concentrate Agreements in respect of chrome content.  This means that higher allowable chrome content can realise higher PGM recoveries, and shared value for the concentrate suppliers and RST through a process approach that deviates from traditional PGM smelting.

RST Smelts high-chrome concentrate


Melting of platinum group metal (PGM) concentrates in South Africa dates to the 1930s when blast furnaces were installed in Rustenburg to melt concentrate obtained from the Merensky Reef, one of the two main PGM bearing reefs in the Bushveld Complex...

RST Smelts high-chrome concentrate


UG-2 dominance is a function of the dual mining of chromite and PGMs from the same reef, but UG-2 ores are low in sulfide and base metals, a key to the successful melting processes developed for PGMs in Southern Africa...

RST Smelts high-chrome concentrate


In the late 90's and early 2000's Mintek developed an alternative approach to PGM melting processes, which relies on sulfides to enable the collection.  The process is a smelting process, which means a chemical reaction is affected through the carbonaceous reduction of iron oxides...

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